Our Mission

education is the key to ending the world's orphan crisis

Dwarakamayee seva samithi


Our Founder

“Every child deserves to know that they are loved and valued.”

Dwarakamayee seva samithi


Helping Them Today

where you live should not determine whether you succeed or fail.

Dwarakamayee seva samithi


Our Mission

We love and serve orphaned and at-risk children. We help keep families together. We create opportunities for strong, sustainable communities

What We Do

Dwarakamayee seva samithi is a non-profit charity organization based and working in Hyderabad This is initiated to serve the Community for the most marginalized individuals & families.

How we Do?

1. A safe Haven
2. Food, Clothing and Shelter
3. Health Care
4. Hobbies and Recreation

Why Children?

Children are the building blocks of our nation’s future. Let’s invest in their potential today, so that they can become our scientists, politicians, sportspeople, journalists and teachers of tomorrow!